Sometimes I sit here after speaking with a customer and have to dig very deep not to burst into:lol::lol:
I have rescently spoken with a customer who uses a certain brand (not ours) who was looking to change brands because her customers were comming out rather dark,messy and wet after a spraytan.
After trolling through the usual questions(possible equipment problems etc) I was drawing a bit of a blank as to what the problem could be.
It wasnt until the back end of the discussion that I asked her "how much liquid " did she use for a full body spray.
After a pause she came back with " oh about half a bottle (that's 500ml per customer sprayed) that to much?"
So there was the answer and we are well on our way to now rectifying her "little " problem.
This is not the first time I have heard of so much liquid being used hence the question........How much liquid do you use per full body spray?
Looking forward to hearing what you guy's use-Please leave brand names out of answers :hug:
I have rescently spoken with a customer who uses a certain brand (not ours) who was looking to change brands because her customers were comming out rather dark,messy and wet after a spraytan.
After trolling through the usual questions(possible equipment problems etc) I was drawing a bit of a blank as to what the problem could be.
It wasnt until the back end of the discussion that I asked her "how much liquid " did she use for a full body spray.
After a pause she came back with " oh about half a bottle (that's 500ml per customer sprayed) that to much?"
So there was the answer and we are well on our way to now rectifying her "little " problem.
This is not the first time I have heard of so much liquid being used hence the question........How much liquid do you use per full body spray?
Looking forward to hearing what you guy's use-Please leave brand names out of answers :hug: