Scary night for me!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
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Birmingham, UK
About 12.30... I was in bed asleep and some lad has just come up to my window (live on ground floor flat) and opened the curtain from outside. He had a hood on with something over his mouth. I said f off and he ran off. My boyfriend woke up and went out but they'd gone off there was three of em x literally been shaking. So horrible! Called the police and they came over to check what happened etc and going to patrol the area now. I'm wide awake now feeling so uneasy x
Sorry to hear - some nasty people out there but at least you scared them off!

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Good for you scaring them off. Unfortunately there are a lot of low-lifes around. Hope you're ok today and manage to get some rest.
That's terrible! Hope you're feeling ok. You need a good cuppa. However, forgive me, I'm confused about how he opened the curtain from the outside?
That's terrible! Hope you're feeling ok. You need a good cuppa. However, forgive me, I'm confused about how he opened the curtain from the outside?

I'm guessing the window was open and he's put his hand in and opened the curtains.

I hope you're ok :( that must have been so scary. I don't know what I would have done, but good for you for scaring them off. They won't be back now!!! Xxx

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But surely you wouldn't go to sleep with a window open living on the ground floor!?!?

I think you need to rethink your security, your safety is at stake.

I'm speaking from experience. We were robbed while asleep in bed. They stole the car and went into our bedroom while we were asleep to get the keys from my husband's jeans pocket. My girls were asleep in the other room. I don't dare think what could have happened if we'd woken up. :Scared:
But surely you wouldn't go to sleep with a window open living on the ground floor!?!?

I think you need to rethink your security, your safety is at stake.

I'm speaking from experience. We were robbed while asleep in bed. They stole the car and went into our bedroom while we were asleep to get the keys from my husband's jeans pocket. My girls were asleep in the other room. I don't dare think what could have happened if we'd woken up. :Scared:

Aww I bet u were scared, good on you for getting rid of them. Xx

I once lived in a ground floor flat, & slept with my windows open. Not the large window, but the smaller ones at the top... Oh gosh, your story sounds scary too. No wonder my partner is so safety conscious. Xx
Aww I bet u were scared, good on you for getting rid of them. Xx

I once lived in a ground floor flat, & slept with my windows open. Not the large window, but the smaller ones at the top... Oh gosh, your story sounds scary too. No wonder my partner is so safety conscious. Xx

Aha yes, of course, that makes sense to me now. You could stick your hand through the little window and open the curtain but you couldn't physically stick your whole body through. Excuse me for being dim. :o
Aww your not being dim, not sure if OP had a small or big window open :) just thats what I use to do. Xx
My god how awful. You must feel so violated! I know i have when we've had attempted break ins. I don't keep any windows open downstairs, even when i just pop upstairs. If he couldnt get in from the small window it sounds as if they were checking you were in. I hope there caught and you get some security fitted.
Hi all! Thank u so much for you comments. I have the window open as my apartment gets so hot. Also I have a cat so she uses it as a cat flap. I knew I shouldn't have left it open. But I guess I was just a bit too trusting. That's so horrible to hear about people coming into your home! There's so scum out there isn't there! It's a real shame. I guess I was just so scared as he would have been about 12 inches from my head! Lessons learned now. No windows opened at night for me. Close call I think. Sleep is very much needed Today x x
Omg i would die x
My first place was 3rd floor flat and i wouldnt even have window open
So you are so brave in the first place xx
Good luck tonight x
Aww noo :(
My house was broken into just before I was about to move in.
Just knowing someone else had got in my house really un nerved me. I'm still on edge now if I'm alone at night.
Cant imagine actually being their when they broke in :(

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I know. Don't really know why I was so brave before. I'm a little worried tonight to be honest. Kind of putting off going to sleep. I know it'll pass soon, hopefully. My boyfriends on his way back now been on my own all day long.
Same happened to me a few years back, I woke to see my bedroom door being shut and got up thinking it was hubby going to wrap my Christmas present....1 guy walking down my hall to the door to let his mate in who I could see through the glass and as I went into the living room to get the phone a pair of legs were leaving through the window. I'm lucky they ran though to be honest I never understood why, I was in alone with the kids, hubby was still at work...absolute scum and when they do get caught nothing happens!
I live on a ground floor apartment the bedroom and front windows are ground level but the back goes to a drop to the river. We open our windows at night and after attempted break in decided not to open the windows anymore. My partner found some things online which is like. Mesh you put on the frame of the window to the actual window so if its open a little bit no one can stick there hand in etc. our windows opened inwards and this was only suitable to open them a little to keep you cool etc xxxx
Same happened to me a few years back, I woke to see my bedroom door being shut and got up thinking it was hubby going to wrap my Christmas present....1 guy walking down my hall to the door to let his mate in who I could see through the glass and as I went into the living room to get the phone a pair of legs were leaving through the window. I'm lucky they ran though to be honest I never understood why, I was in alone with the kids, hubby was still at work...absolute scum and when they do get caught nothing happens!

What scum they are !
Makes me angry , robbing things that people have worked hard for,
And the fact they would leave a child with nothing at christmas too makes my blood boil xx
Venetian blinds are a great deterrent, burglars don't like them. They make to much noise, and are difficult to move out the way.
Ah ha! Very good idea. Even the vertical ones would make a bit of noise.
Im in a house now, but if Im in on my own Il sleep with my fan on rather than an open window. Xx

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