Well-Known Member
Hi All
I was really glad when i found this web site as i am new to the nail business and thought it would really help me with my nail problems. I have to say the majority of geeks offer good advice without being critical but i have noticed on quite a few threads recently that some geeks are being a bit harsh with their replies. We dont want to be made to look stupid by asking questions as i thought this was the idea of this site so come on geeks give us newbies a break !!
I was really glad when i found this web site as i am new to the nail business and thought it would really help me with my nail problems. I have to say the majority of geeks offer good advice without being critical but i have noticed on quite a few threads recently that some geeks are being a bit harsh with their replies. We dont want to be made to look stupid by asking questions as i thought this was the idea of this site so come on geeks give us newbies a break !!