Gearing up for year 3


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The Geek

Grand Master Geek
Premium Geek
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Just a quick post to say that as we come to our third year anniversary of the worlds largest on line resource centre and community for professional nail technicians, we are hitting some massive records.

Did you know:

  • We are hitting over 350 public posts a day on average!
  • There are well over 200,000 public posts (and almost as many Private messages!)
  • There are an average of 50-70 people on line at any given time!
  • There are over 3,000 unique visits to the site per day! (This up from 1,000 just a little over a year ago)
  • We are looked at by other industry forums as a model for how to run a community!
  • Industry press watch the site and regularly and look to the members for industry input.
  • That for the first and largest UK industry related government survey; 99% took part on-line and virtually all are from this site?
  • That none of this means anything without your positive, constructive contributions!

Be proud. Geeks rock.

Now go make sure you have pinned your spot on the GeekMap. I'm shocked that not everyone has!

Geek On!
What can i say Sam think the industry should recognise exactly what you have done for the community and nails industry, you loo after us you answer our stupid questions and together with many thousands of others you support us to the hilt.

I think YOU should be up for big award not just as director of education for Creative Nail designer Uk but for what you ahve created here.

Hats of to you Sam and Thank you
aw ....and a HUGE pat on the back and thanks to you that we can all be here :hug:

Three cheers for Sam, a geektastic cool dude !

Amb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wow Sam, those stats are fab, aswell as huge :D.
Congrats on your 3rd Geeky birthday and thank you for such a brilliant site that's not only full of info and excellent tutorials but some truly fab, dedicated and talented people :hug: xxx
God has it been three years already... don't time fly when ya geeking lol....
Thanks Samuel you are the tops xxx
blimey 3 years,god what did i do with my life before.ive been here since the beginning give or take a few weeks .seen it grow from a little site to blooming massive.learnt loads from this site,cant belive how quick the times gone and how many geeks from the beginning still come on,even though a lot dont tend to post so much any more ,but you see the names on the whos on site bit,and remember them from the beginning.any ways a big thanks to sam for starting the site in the first place.
WOWWWWWSERS sam 3 years?
im into my first year and its been a part of my life everyday without fail ( apart from holidays whereas i was in cold turkey mode!), this site is just what the industry needs, i have found soo much usefull stuff on here i wouldnt know what i know now without it, and my head is full of stuff i dont know is in there till my gob opens!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice job sam!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Sam!! I 'd have to agree with everyone else, Ive only been on the site for a short while but have learnt an absolute bundle.
Well, thanks everyone however I must insist that while I have a part to play in it, I would be 1 lonely geek here if it wasnt for the time, energy and love that everyone else puts into it. Without the community there would be piss all here so that means its all really your fault ;)
yeah well done to effort...and the little bit of spare time GMG puts ... (so modest) x
yay 3 wonderful years, this may sound "billy no mates ish" but in the 3 years of being part of this wonderful community, you geeks are the best people i have met and never met, we all seem to know where we come from and can chat about anything and everything.
i have learnt so much from this site and it has contibuted majorly in my development as a nail technician.
it has also played a part in being there when we alll need a shoulder to cry on about non nail related things.
thank you sam for starting this wonderful community and thank you samantha and gigi....wonderful people with a wonderful passion and enthusiasm for our industry:Love:
and thank you geeks for making me laugh cry and sometimes swear at the screan:hug:
A huge thankyou and big appreciation to everyone behind the site.

Before I found the geek my nail world was tiny, and I didnt know a lot. Now its huge and Ive learnt soooo much and I learn something new every day. I wouldnt've acheived all the new things I have done with my nails career if I hadnt found this fabulous site. I hope that Ive put something back too.

And of course, look at all the fab geeks on this site that have become friends!:hug: love to ya all x x x
Can you feel the lurve in the room :Love: . Cheers Sam, this site is pure heaven!

ps. the bill is in the post for my addiction therapy fees!
nailsbynikki said:
WOWWWWWSERS sam 3 years?
im into my first year and its been a part of my life everyday without fail ( apart from holidays whereas i was in cold turkey mode!), this site is just what the industry needs, i have found soo much usefull stuff on here i wouldnt know what i know now without it, and my head is full of stuff i dont know is in there till my gob opens!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice job sam!!!!!!!!!!

Totally agree.

Am addicted to this site, trying to visit it whenever I have a spare minute, I love it and it just keeps getting better!

You don't just sit back and watch it, you're still so involved, always updating and making the site the best it can be and still posting great articles and answering silly questions from the likes of me and other geeks, helping us to be the best we can too!

Here's to the next 3 years! I'm with you all the way. xxxx:hug:
I have only been here a short while, the amount of knowledge that is collectively on this site through all of the wonderful Geeks never falis to astound me.

It doesn't seem to matter how obvious or how obscure a post may be, there are always Geeks out there with the answer.

This site is a HUGE benifit to ALL Geeks, but as a 'just starting out' Geek, I would be lost without this site.

A BIG THANKYOU to all of you
Here here to all the above comments! Thos site rocks! Don't know what I'd do without it, there is so much help, support and fantastic advice on here 24/7. Well done Sam - keep up the good work, you rock!! xx
The Nail Geek said:
Be proud. Geeks rock.

Now go make sure you have pinned your spot on the GeekMap. I'm shocked that not everyone has!

Geek On!

It took a bit of getting used to the Geek map but I finally worked it out and I think I even got mine on my road LOL.

I am proud to have been here virtually from the beginning. I even remember your original site - the one with the other very strange name - well to us Brits anyway LOL.
naturalnails said:
I am proud to have been here virtually from the beginning. I even remember your original site - the one with the other very strange name - well to us Brits anyway LOL.
He! he! he! ... me too Fiona :wink2:
At times Ive been a bit of a fuddy and resisted the changes here, its a bit like watching your child grow, its hard to let go of small & cute but then you swell with pride when you see what can be achieved by bigger and stronger!
Well done Sam!
Ive come to know some fab peeps in this industry all of them continue to move & inspire me but, everyone I have met and all I have learned has in some way stemmed from knowing you through this site.
So thank you Sam :hug:
Here's to the next 3 years, and the next ... and the next!
This Is The Only Place To Be
Wow I can remember the 2 year mark like it was yesterday :Love: Heres to another year of geeking

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