OMG It's Snowing...And it NEVER snows here!!! I'm so EXCITED!!!


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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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OMG it's snowing in Sunny Southampton!! It NEVER snows much here! It's the most snow I've seen in years, and the first time my daughter has really seen it too!!! I'm sooooo excited!! It's sooooo beautiful!!! :lol:

It's snowing here in scotland toooo
I can't see the end of my garden it is snowing so hard:)
I went to the garage this morning at 6 (I don't sleep too well!) to get some more milk from the beer fridge and the sky was clear, no sign of anything portentous. At 7 my husband woke up and asked whether we'd had snow. "No, no" says I, "not a whisper of it".
"So what's all that, then?" he said as he tootled across the landing to the loo :eek:

And now he's gone out on his crosser (motorbike) in it. For the hell of it!
We have had heavy snow, now it's stopped and it's sunny!
I don't want it to melt away!!!!!
We have just had a little snow but thats all......:green:
its snowing here.... yay :)
when Gareth went to work at 5am there wasnt any but its really settled now... i love it and the fact im in the warm with the heating on...lololol

My kids are having snowball fights in the garden ! and my hubby's out fishing off the isle of wight, he say's he cant see 10ft in front of him :eek: Its easing off now though i bet it's all be gone in an hour of so for another 5 years :cry:
I'm I the only one without??:cry: how strange we normally get it first,.
Oh, poor wardo. :rolleyes:
Its here too in Essex....And still snowing :irked: I hate it lol
whey hey!!!!! just as I was about to say I know poor me, I look out of the window and there it is!! ah bugger I'v just put the washing out as well. :irked:
Yay, we have had snow aswell, kids were so happy this morning, now its all melted! :irked:We only had a tiny sprinkle!!
Woohoo we've had snow here in Basingstoke as well.
My eldest is currently out in it making footprints, or as she put it "my shoes are out here":lol:
Couldn't believe it when I opened the curtains!
Wow, snow in April!

No snow here in Shrewsbury yet though as far as I can see...
SNOW here in SE KENT! I have a snowman in my garden as my sons have been out there since 9am playing in the snow. Bet they would still be in bed now if not for the snow. lol.:green:
Well I guess we're all enjoying the snow!! But ours has all gone now. :cry:
We had our snow in Yorkshire yesterday, none today YET but no doubt we will get more :hug:
well its just started snowing , so scratch wot i said 5 mins ago about it not , lol x

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