Waxing Nasal Hair???


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Klassy Klaws

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Ok heres a question I never ever thought I would be asking!
Can you wax a nasal hair??
My husbands mate asked him if I could wax his nasal hair to be honest I was totally gob smacked as to why anyone would want this done as I would imagine it would hurt like hell:eek::lol::lol:
You know, I never thought of it before this weekend....and yet only yesterday I bumped into someone who'd just had it done as a demo at Excel. I can't for the life of me remember who it was that said it,...but it was by Andy or Kim at Perron Rigot (which is absolutely fab stuff BTW. I too had a demo done and am well impressed!)

So in essence, I guess you can!

But yes.....ouch!:eek:
OK I have to admit, I hated the little blonde hairs that were trying to stick out of my nose, so I stuck a bit of wax and voila it was fab. BUT I wouldn't do it on a client! Something to do with the area being a lot more open to infection.
Yes you can but you need to use hot wax not strip wax
Andy aka axiom is the very expert you need to ask on the hows and whys but it is very effective hth
Andy waxed my nostrils at the first geeky workshop :lol:

So it's definitely possible! But only with hot wax.

Since then I have done a few clients, not loads, but I think it's very worthwhile.
Ok heres a question I never ever thought I would be asking!
Can you wax a nasal hair??
My husbands mate asked him if I could wax his nasal hair to be honest I was totally gob smacked as to why anyone would want this done as I would imagine it would hurt like hell:eek::lol::lol:

Plucking one nasal hair hurts like hell.. but removing a whole batch of the little blighter's in one swoop is a lot less uncomfortable and effective when using the right technique and hot wax :)
Well..........funny you should ask !

Andy and I have spent the last few days at Excel with the head waxing trainer for Perron Rigot in Paris. The doctor who works alongside their pharmacist who helps produce Perron Rigot wax, has said that it's extremely dangerous to wax inside the nose as it can cause a blood clot or hemorrhage (sp). I wondered where a few of my nose wax clients has gone to. Oops!!!!

Anyways waxy geeks. Just do the inner edge and don't stick any spatula's up inside the nose.

Wax on. :hug:
OMG my eyes are watering just thinking about it ladies! :eek:
All I can say is ouch! I guess if you can stand the pain then why not? Might attack my bf when I get some hot wax :lol:
Well..........funny you should ask !

Andy and I have spent the last few days at Excel with the head waxing trainer for Perron Rigot in Paris. The doctor who works alongside their pharmacist who helps produce Perron Rigot wax, has said that it's extremely dangerous to wax inside the nose as it can cause a blood clot or hemorrhage (sp). I wondered where a few of my nose wax clients has gone to. Oops!!!!

Anyways waxy geeks. Just do the inner edge and don't stick any spatula's up inside the nose.

Wax on. :hug:

Glad you spoke out cause i was a bit concerned.Ive had various ops on my nose, septum straightened,sinus wash,polyps removed and it is a very vascular area if it starts to bleed it can be VERY difficult to stop id be aware of insurance as well.Nose hairs are quite important they catch quite a lot i dont think we need to remove from the root just trim.
Ok heres a question I never ever thought I would be asking!
Can you wax a nasal hair??
My husbands mate asked him if I could wax his nasal hair to be honest I was totally gob smacked as to why anyone would want this done as I would imagine it would hurt like hell:eek::lol::lol:

I had never thought about it untill my gran told me that she had it done when she went for a lip wax .. bless her shes 79 ..

and I used to think that eyelash perming was a bit peculiar!!!:)
Just to reinforce what Kim and Gill have already said and to reiterate/clarify the info in the previous thread: don't go sticking spatulas of wax up inside yours or anyone else's noses, Geeks.

The fine hairs inside the nose are meant to be there - as Gill said, they play an important role in filtering out dust and other airborne nasties, and they should not be removed. There is a risk of infection and also the danger of damaging the skin of the nostrils if you get it wrong.

The coarser terminal hairs that appear as we get older just at the very base of the nostrils (i.e. the visible hairs that grow around the very lower rim of the inner nose) are the only ones you should be removing (or trimming, as Gill suggested).

Any kind of irritation, infection, surgery, excess broken capillaries, recent piercings, etc etc, are contra-indications - step away from the nose with that spatula, lol.

If in doubt or if you are unsure what you should or shouldn't be removing, don't wax - far better to play it safe :hug:

Andy x
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Just to reinforce what Kim and Gill have already said and to reiterate/clarify the info in the previous thread: don't go sticking spatulas of wax up inside yours or anyone else's noses, Geeks.

The hairs inside the nose are meant to be there - as Gill said, they play an important role in filtering out dust and other airborne nasties, and they should not be removed. There is a risk of infection and also the danger of damaging the skin of the nostrils if you get it wrong.

The coarser terminal hairs that appear as we get older just at the very base of the nostrils (i.e. the visible hairs that grow along the very lower rim of the nose) are the only ones you should be removing (or trimming, as Gill suggested).

Any kind of irritation, infection, surgery, broken capillaries, recent piercings, etc etc, are contra-indications - step away from the nose with that spatula, lol.

If in doubt or if you are unsure what you should or shouldn't be removing, don't wax - far better to play it safe :hug:

Andy x
Thanks for that Andy I am going to take great pleasure in telling him there is no way I can wax him :lol:

Looking forward to meeting you on the 17th :hug:
I would rather leave the nose well alone, you never know, you may wax the hairs as well as the greeny crusty bogey!!!:eek: i cant think for the life why would anyone do it, please absolutely no offence to you or any 'willing' waxers' or Kim or Andy. My eyes are just watering just at the thought of it!:lol: xx
I was taught nasal waxing is esthetician school. I got out not that long ago and haven't started work yet, but I have a friend and a family member that make regular visits to see me to wax their nose. It does sound bizarre and painful, but its really not that painful. Its actually one of the least painful places (to my experience). Its weird that pulling one nose hair hurts like hell, but pulling them all out at onces isn't bad at all. I realize that the nose is more suseptable to being an entry point for something infectios, but I haven't had any bad experiences with. I use a fresh applicator and uncontaminated hard wax. So far so good. You don't get boogers hangning out of our nose because they're no hair for them to hang out. It opens up your nasal passages and kinda feels like you're wearing a breathe right nasal strip. I haven't had it done to myself ro a while because my nasal passages just feel dry from being in a home with the heater running.

I'm not sure about marketing it to clients, but I and a couple people close to me like having it done. So far so good.
I always remember seeing nasal waxing on telly a few years ago and they had what looked like a piece of plastercine that they moulded into a sausage shape (ish) and then stuck up the nose. Once it had set, they pulled it out - bizzare! But I haven't seen anything like it since.
Claire x

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