Geeky Christmas Tree


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Me too!!! Can you use my avatar???
Me too can i be added to the tree, if there is any room left.
I have sent a photo to you or you could use my avatar.
Ok guys, the tree has been updated with some new pics. Take note too that the url has changed from just a picture to a web page with some Chrimbo music for your enjoyment. To anyone who has sent a pic since this thread was started, your piccie hasnt been added yet but it will be very soon, first come, first serve 'n all that. :)

To all those who only want to add a pic of their avatar, I can do that but I personally think it's a little unfair on those who have already submitted their pics, this despite the fact that the vast majority of them know that they're not super models or oil paintings, none more so than myself..... c'mon guys, play the game..... lets have those pics so we can all see who's who.

Finally..... and this is very important..... if you're on a dialup connection, this page is gonna take some time to load, it is really really big. It has to be in order to show the detailed pic of everyone on it, so apologies in advance.

The updated Geeky Christmas Tree
I'd like to be on a ball please if i'm not to late! Fab idea Sean xxxxxxx

Ohhh really in the christmas spirit now!!
Yay! I'm already on it!! you geeks look fab!! xx
Wicked Sean and we all look like supermodels or at least newer models thanks to you:hug: lol
Hi seanny feel free 2 use my pic if there is any room left! :) xx
That's absolutely brilliant! Don't we all look lovely! You're a clever ol stick Seanny. Merry Christmas everyone x
Me too, me too.......if there is any room! I have sent you a pic Seanny.

Love the tree, how exciting!!!!:)
oooh seanny my pic is on its way to you ...

:green: hahahaha my face amongst lots of shiney dangley balls ...what more could a girl ask for ,for christmas :o
Hi Seanny

Is there some more of us to go on there yet?

If you cant use the picture i sent you before then please let me know and i can send you another.

o0h I hope I'm not to late, sent my pic xx thank you xx
Theresa, dont panic hun.... you're up next. :)

Clara, you're not too late...I've got your pic, but there's about 8 to be added before you.

To whom it may concern, once I receive a pic, it will be added, provided of course that Christmas hasnt come first.
Beautiful tree

All lovely looking ladies:hug: And gent's:hug:
Seanny sent you a pic can you touch it up a little first lmao
I sent mine, too! Pretty soon we won't see any of the tree! Hee Hee!
yey im on there!! thanx seanny, what a fab idea!! hehehe!! xx
hope you got my pic,
not the best but it will do.
I sent you my pics!!! Cool idea! WTG!
I'm not sure I enhance the tree but it is nice to be on there with you

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