Oh my lord, so many stories and so little time.
The one that springs to mind for me is when I unintentionally waged a campaign of terror on the cleaner at a company I worked for about 10 years ago........ (are you sitting comfortably?)
When I was at University I used to also have a job at this company doing general office work. At the time I also happened to be dating this bloke who was a bit of a loser. One valentines say, said bloke was taking me out for a meal. In the year we had been together this was only the second actual night out we had ever been on, so I was keen to get home and changed ready for the occasion. I didnt drive back then and had to run out of the door dead on finishing time in order to get the early bus so I could get home and get ready. Anyway, I got out of the door and realised I had left my purse in my desk drawer. Being in a rush I ran back in, got to my desk and pulled the desk drawer open with some force...... just at the precise moment that the cleaner bent down to pick my waste bin up and I whacked her right in the forehead with the front of the drawer. Things like this normally make me laugh anyway because I'm quite cruel that way
, but she stood up and staggered into the filing cabinet behind her, I really knocked her for six, so I had to try and be all apologetic and concerned whilst my colleagues hid behind the door practically wetting themselves laughing.
I never managed to catch that bus. Nor did the cleaner ever empty my bin in my presence again, but she had a lovely shiner for a couple of weeks!
oh it doesnt end there my friends........
The ladies toilets at this company had a strange layout. They had a cloakroom before you got to the actual toilets, which had a double built in wardrobe, you know, the sort with the mirrored sliding doors...... Well that wardrobe covered the whole wall on the entrance side, and the cleaner kept the toilet rolls in the bottom of there. One day, minding my own business I went into the ladies, swung the door open, and the cleaner was behind it, bent over reaching for the toilet rolls in the bottom of the wardrobe and I sent her flying.
I think she retired shortly after that