The Cheapening Of Shellac


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I think that's an unfair comment... your lamp may seem like it's curing the Shellac properly and that's great, but it doesn't mean that any lamp will work.

Other Nail Techs have proved this, by having terrible problems with their Shellac and when they purchased the lamp they had no more problems.

I had about 5 gel UV lamps before I invested in Shellac, so to be honest the last thing I wanted to do, was buy yet another lamp, but when the Company advised me that I needed the CND lamp to cure it I was happy as I had a vintage one, but I still went out and bought two new CND lamps.

When I was having a play with my Shellac for the first time, I used the colourpops and cured them in my other lamp from a completely different company and the Shellac didn't cure properly at all... honestly!

You could chance using a different lamp, but for me it's just not worth the gamble... why take the chance?

Just to add... Mrs Geek herself said in another post that she turned people away at the Beauty Show from buying Shellac because they wanted to purchase it without the CND lamp... now why would she do that if she was only out to make money and trying and rip people off?... I think the opposite is true.

At no point did I state that 'any' lamp would work. I already had a lamp that wasnt even a moth old that i paid A lot of money for.
I didn't want to chance it you are very right as I wouldn't want to do that which is why i tried it first before applying it to my clients.
Companies selling products/equipment will never tell the whole truth. I have come to learn this and that why I tend to now try things out before I am sucked into their sales talk. I have countless times asked 'what is so special about this lamp?' and am yet to be provided with any sort of answer.
Turning people away for not buying the lamp kind of contradicts itself as you can go to sweet squared and buy it without buying the lamp, so not totally sure why they did that?
If people are happy with their lamps then thats great but people cant say that other people are not providing a Shellac service just because they are not using the lamp which was my point in the first place xx
At no point did I state that 'any' lamp would work. I already had a lamp that wasnt even a moth old that i paid A lot of money for.
I didn't want to chance it you are very right as I wouldn't want to do that which is why i tried it first before applying it to my clients.
Companies selling products/equipment will never tell the whole truth. I have come to learn this and that why I tend to now try things out before I am sucked into their sales talk. I have countless times asked 'what is so special about this lamp?' and am yet to be provided with any sort of answer.
Turning people away for not buying the lamp kind of contradicts itself as you can go to sweet squared and buy it without buying the lamp, so not totally sure why they did that?
If people are happy with their lamps then thats great but people cant say that other people are not providing a Shellac service just because they are not using the lamp which was my point in the first place xx

I think the reason Sweat Squared turned people away at the show is due to the fact that any old untrained "Josephine/Joe" public were able to get tickets to the show and go on and purchase professional only products at a great price.
Where as when you order from Sweet Squared you have to have provided your training certificates .Same with Ellsions .
At no point did I state that 'any' lamp would work. I already had a lamp that wasnt even a moth old that i paid A lot of money for.
I didn't want to chance it you are very right as I wouldn't want to do that which is why i tried it first before applying it to my clients.
Companies selling products/equipment will never tell the whole truth. I have come to learn this and that why I tend to now try things out before I am sucked into their sales talk. I have countless times asked 'what is so special about this lamp?' and am yet to be provided with any sort of answer.
Turning people away for not buying the lamp kind of contradicts itself as you can go to sweet squared and buy it without buying the lamp, so not totally sure why they did that?
If people are happy with their lamps then thats great but people cant say that other people are not providing a Shellac service just because they are not using the lamp which was my point in the first place xx

I really know what you're saying and I can completely understand where you're coming from. :hug:

It's still a risk to not use the correct lamp, but you chose to try it out and it worked, but I think you were lucky... not everyone that has used a different lamp has been so lucky.

All I'm saying is, I wouldn't take that chance.

We're going off topic, I know and the whole lamp debate is very old at this stage, so I'll shut up now :lol:

Here's an old (ish) thread about the lamp.... an interesting read if you all have a few minutes... better put the kettle on.

Back on topic... I charge premium price for Shellac and have clients that return to me again and again for the service.

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Maybe the cheaper prices are a result of businesses having to keep up with the competition and maybe they think "well some profit is better than no profit"....I'm really not sure.

With Shellac being hypoallergenic and imitation products probably not, this would be my main concern as a client because I would pay for Shellac knowing that it is hypoallergenic: whether my skin reacts to the treatment or not would be vey likely to determin whether the real Shellac had been used or not.

I like the idea that different prices attract different clientelle. I think this is probably the best way to rationalise the difference in prices that people charge for their treatments.
Mmmm our full price shellac is £15 without removal, £18 with removal, and we are offering it for £12 at the moment with free solar oil for the first appointment...

Overheads can often have a bearing on what is deemed a worthwhile price, and everyones situation is different. I also think people do seem to have less money now.

The majority of people (90%) who enquire about our nail services have never heard of shellac, so we have to explain to them what it is. And often they will give it a try.

Price can also depend on what you get with your shellac, the cheaper options may be just a no frills (not that I think shellac is no frills, it's wonder stuff lol!) shellac mani, the higher priced shellac may include massage etc??? I suppose it depends on where you are and what your clients require :)
You can choose to disagree with me because you can't back up what you are saying. Shellac is a product which if applied and doing the job correctly - is classed a Shellac service! If this is not the case why would CND not make you buy a lamp in order to provide the service?
Yes the lamp looks lovely but everyone who has bought it under these false claims that 'you need it for this product to work' are being sadly mislead and ripped off.

As much as I agree with your point that other lamps will cure Shellac properly, I think you are incorrect in stating that you can ethically use a different lamp and still call it a "Shellac" service. You are not the arbiter of that - CND is. It is their trademarked product and they have put forward a very clear definition of what constitutes a Shellac service. Part of that definition is using very specific products, including the lamp. Furthermore, as a CND/Shellac trained person, you agreed to certain conditions, and I understand that using the proper lamp was one of those conditions.

I believe it would be more honest for CND simply to say that while other lamps may cure Shellac, CND can only guarantee its safety and performance when you use the CND lamps. But while I disagree with the way CND/Shellac has managed the issue, it is theirs to manage, and that ought to be respected. Clearly, this is a serious issue because CND/Shellac has undertaken several initiatives to ensure compliance with their application procedures. They have a lot on the line. When the product fails to perform as advertised (because someone used a different lamp, base or top coat, prep solution, etc.), it is the Shellac name that takes the beating.

So although I agree that you can do a great job with Shellac using another lamp, CND says if it's not a CND lamp, it's not a Shellac service. Period.
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To be honest hun we have never left it on that long. They all just rebook in two weeks and I soak off and reapply. I will get them to try and see what happens x

While I don't agree with you re the lamp, if your clients are happy to come back and have a service, why would you get them to come less often? Test it on yourself. Personally though it's been explained so ofen about the importance of the correct lamp I don't understand why anyone argues with the science behind it.
You can choose to disagree with me because you can't back up what you are saying. Shellac is a product which if applied and doing the job correctly - is classed a Shellac service! If this is not the case why would CND not make you buy a lamp in order to provide the service?
Yes the lamp looks lovely but everyone who has bought it under these false claims that 'you need it for this product to work' are being sadly mislead and ripped off.

CND would not class this as a shellac service if the full system is not used. In my opinion, to say that we are being ripped off is a little disrespectful. CND are unrivalled in terms of the science and development that goes into their products before they are launched to market. The after sales support and education is similarly unmatched. Advice on this very site is available to us all - and who provides this forum for us?

Gel can be undercured and such undercuring will not be visible to the naked eye. Gel can be overcured and will not be visible to the naked eye. Inappropriate curing can eventually cause allergies and product sensitivities in our client. I for one, intend to bow to the superior knowledge of CND and using the system as a whole.

You may wish to read this very informative article
Regarding the lamp debate. This is a reply to someone asking the same questions that Gigi gave in an earlier post in the year.

It is not the wattage THe CND lamp is 36 watts and 4 bulbs ... in that way it is similar to many others.

The differences are the

Bulbs ... higher UV out put than others

Positiing of the bulbs ... the tilt and the staggering of the bulbs so that the nails fall in the centre of the bulbs where the greatest concentration of UV light is. Including the thumb for 5 finger cure.

The distance of the bulbs from the nails.

Plus there are many other advantages to the nail techs themsekves, Digital Count down ... life of the bulbs indicator ... multiple settings for Shellac and other new innovatios to come from CND. Surely you have noticed these things.

I own about 5 different UV lamps ... none of them is remotely like the CND LAMP AND NONE OF THEM ARE AS GOOD.

Shellac contains very few photoinitiators which is why there is zero heat ... same with Brisa gels ... this is why they need higher UV to cure them completely.

You will have to accept that CND know what is best to be sure their product is fully cured. The lamp is great and a great price too ... why not just enjoy it in the knowledge that you are doing the system justice by using it and trust CND to give you the right advise for you to be successful with Shellac.

And regarding the cheapening. I think this happens in every trade, at least of you know you are doing a good job worthy of the CND accreditation sceme then you don't have to worry about these other people. X
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Reading this thread it is so good to see that no one has over reacted to someone who is posting to be controversial! Just reasonable opinions and links to factual information has come through.

It isn't possible to convince everyone on the UV lamp issue on this thread. Providing the information without getting personal is the perfect way but everyone will make their own mind up and this is fine.

As a comment to the original poster: if you are busy and have lots of clients just hold on to the thought that you are earning far more per hour than your competition! They are having to provide far more services that you are for the same income even if you work less hours!

It will ALWAYS be like that. Look on the positive side, provide the better service, work 'smarter not harder' and be confident in your skills.
Contraversial - I hope you are not referring to me LOL! :eek:

I agree with you completely Mum - but I am not contraversial - passionate and eager to do well :wink2:
i am shellac trained tbh i now use gellish and it lasts up to 6 weeks and cheaper some clients call it shellac but thas there issue not mine !
shellac may have been the first ones to bring it out but they not the best!:lol:
i am shellac trained tbh i now use gellish and it lasts up to 6 weeks and cheaper some clients call it shellac but thas there issue not mine !
shellac may have been the first ones to bring it out but they not the best!:lol:

I have seen pics of Shellac on after 7 weeks and still perfect.
But to be honest who would want 7 weeks of regrowth?:confused:
Two weeks of growth is as much as I can stomach. Three weeks and I'm sitting on my hands:lol:

Toes ok mind. Have had my toes on for about 6 weeks, obviously all perfectly intact.
Two weeks of growth is as much as I can stomach. Three weeks and I'm sitting on my hands:lol:

Toes ok mind. Have had my toes on for about 6 weeks, obviously all perfectly intact.

I'm the same - after two weeks I'm itching to re-do my fingernails! 7 weeks would kill me!! :eek:
CND would not class this as a shellac service if the full system is not used. In my opinion, to say that we are being ripped off is a little disrespectful. CND are unrivalled in terms of the science and development that goes into their products before they are launched to market. The after sales support and education is similarly unmatched. Advice on this very site is available to us all - and who provides this forum for us?

Gel can be undercured and such undercuring will not be visible to the naked eye. Gel can be overcured and will not be visible to the naked eye. Inappropriate curing can eventually cause allergies and product sensitivities in our client. I for one, intend to bow to the superior knowledge of CND and using the system as a whole.

You may wish to read this very informative article

intersting read, an eye opener! x
CND would not class this as a shellac service if the full system is not used. In my opinion, to say that we are being ripped off is a little disrespectful. CND are unrivalled in terms of the science and development that goes into their products before they are launched to market. The after sales support and education is similarly unmatched. Advice on this very site is available to us all - and who provides this forum for us?

Gel can be undercured and such undercuring will not be visible to the naked eye. Gel can be overcured and will not be visible to the naked eye. Inappropriate curing can eventually cause allergies and product sensitivities in our client. I for one, intend to bow to the superior knowledge of CND and using the system as a whole.

You may wish to read this very informative articl

That was a good read. Taught me some things I didnt know. Thanks for sharing :) x
I'm sure I read on here many months ago that when using shellac, you should add 50% on to your normal service.
For a file and paint then the average price is about £12. Add 50% to that and that's £18.
I did read that didn't I?
I charge £25 btw!
Just to go back to the lamp thing (sorry) - I've read all the previous threads re why you need the CND lamp, and I do have and use the old Brisa style lamp for Shellac.
My question is - I have 2 other lamps which I use for Bio Sculpture (not Bio brand lamps), and they have exactly the same bulbs as the brisa lamp, I've tried them on myself to cure Shellac and to be honest I find them better as they are 5 finger lamps rather than the Brisa one as it is a 4 finger lamp. So although I use the CND recommended Brisa lamp for clients so do provide the full service - why is it any better than my other lamps if the bulbs are identical??:confused:

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