Hot wax


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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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Hi geeks

I'm level 2 qualified, currently studying level 3.

I've read with great interest a lot on here about hot wax and how fantastic it is for intimate waxing.

Now last week at college I noticed a bag of hot wax pellets, I asked my tutor if we could have a try with it, she turned her nose up at this and I proceeded to tell her about all the wonderful things i've read about it. She was horrified at what I said, especially about intimate waxing using hot wax.she said hot wax isn't really used anymore too. Another, younger tutor came in at this point, she's only recently packed in her salon job to concentrate on tutoring, but she was also horrified.

Now i'm a little confuzzled. Are my tutors living in a bubble? Or is the love of hot wax something shared between only you guys on salon geek.

Sarah x
Posted via Mobile Device
Speaking as someone who's had intimate waxing done (I'm not a qualified skin geek), I'd say that hot wax is a lot more bearable and comfortable than strip wax in tender areas.

The top intimate waxing experts and trainers on here (Kim Lawless, Andy Rouillard, Lori Nestore et al) all use hot wax for intimate waxing, and I'd say that the general consensus is that hot wax is the wax of choice when it comes to intimate waxing as opposed to strip wax (although there are geeks on here, e.g. Huberella, who advocate strip wax for intimate waxing too)...
I love hot wax but I must agree we were neber shown it at college, out tutor mentioned it and said she would show us how to use it but we would never use it and its out of date and a horrible product!!! she never did show us how to use it.

so I think a lot of tutors out there are out of date.
I love hot wax but I must agree we were neber shown it at college, out tutor mentioned it and said she would show us how to use it but we would never use it and its out of date and a horrible product!!! she never did show us how to use it.

so I think a lot of tutors out there are out of date.
Not all but some colleges are unfortunatley way behind the times :hug:
What we need to clear up here is that the more modern waxes that are spoken of on the salon geek for intimate waxing in my opinion dont compare to the 'hot wax' that we were taught in college. The more modern equivalent is more commonly known as as 'none strip waxes' and is not applied with the same techniques as the 'hot waxes'.

I have not heard colleges yet teaching with these newer 'non strip waxes' so I personally wouldnt worry about the fact that they no longer teach this in college (although it does surprise me) as you would be better re-learning the better techniques again from the companies that sell the 'none strip waxes' after you have qualified with college.
this is one of the reason why ive gone in for my 7304 because the standard in colleges have hit the floor in my area, some of the girls who come out of college cannot even paint a nail :|

regards to the orginial poster HOT WAX ALL THE WAY!!!!! its barbaric using strip wax babe in the imtimate parts all my clients comment on how they are surprised that it wasnt painful x
My tutor is so far behind the times it's scary. When I told her that I use non strip wax for intimate waxing she said it was barbaric!
I'm studying VTCT cosmetic makeup so you can imagine how erm, surprised (and i'm being generous here!) I was when she said that she'd heard of mineral makeup on the telly but had never used it :eek: . I took my Coszmetic Lab range in and I taught her how to use it!
I worry sometimes!
I have to say this is something that is really p'ing me off with college. They are soo bloody old fashioned. They bang on about 'oh in industry it will be like this' When infact when was the last time they worked in a bloody salon?
My course on level 2 didnt do hot wax but we had Australian body care come iN to let us play about with it. I love the stuff! It beats warm wax all day long!
I cant say there is anything i do the same now in my treatments that relate to college.
It's like passing your driving test, you do what you have to to pass it an then you drive how you want to.
Totally agree my sister used hot wax so much in australia she came home about 4 years ago and got me on to it have not turned back since every client comments on how much less painful it is.:hug:
I use both waxes.. Hot wax can be a little tricky at times when you first start.
Also when i did my course the teacher "forgot" to teach us to use a pre waxing oil to stop the waxing sticking to teh "pink" I learned this the hard way on my self.. When i read the wax pot directions it said to use a pre oil/. so i went into the supplier and sure enough there was a loverly oil to spray on first... big difference..

I find that if i use strip wax down stairs i end up with red skin that will peel or go dry within the week.. When i use the Hot wax it goes red for an hour or so adn then i am right as rain.. no dry skin and no redness...

I would love to take a course in just intimate waxing as it isnt something that was covered to well in my course and i would love to get the hang of it.
I am a recent convert to using non strip wax for facial and intimate. I had a new client for a whole face wax last week and we were both so impressed with the results.
She did not have a single hint of redness or tenderness, just a beautiful baby smooth face. She has been having it strip waxed for years and couldn't stop looking at herself - she was so happy it was lovely to see!

And only a few weeks earlier I would have had serious doubts about wanting to treat her as it was such a lot of waxing for a delicate area to have to wax with strip wax.

Non strip is very easy to get to grips with and I highly recommend just having a go with it and see how you get on. I bet you will be amazed!
The hot wax that they don't like is very different, it is put on quite thickly in a figure of eight and sets pretty hard, you only put it on small areas at a time. It is very different to the hot wax most geeks like. Most beauty training is very old fashioned and done by tutors who may have gone straight into teaching or have been teaching for a long time and are not up to date with new techniques.
The trouble is they don't move with the times......too set in their ways to want to change. xx
I can see your dilema, and unfortunatly many colleges have a specific way of working and often do not move as quick as the industry. I am hoping to take further advanced training, and to become an accredited teacher so i can then hopefully approach colleges with a whole new way of waxing. producing a higher standard of confident waxing therapists xxxx
too set in their ways

Ha ha, was this an unintentional pun Kim?

I absolutely agree though, most college's are still behind the times when it comes to using hard wax rather than strip wax and still see it as a somewhat ****ensian way of waxing.

With the new generation non strip hard waxes client receive a much more comfortable service, when used correctly of course.
The trouble is they don't move with the times......too set in their ways to want to change. xx

This is worrying, don't you think? I mean girls and guys are being taught things that are, for the best part, not in line with current industry advancement. I understand that they can't change the curriculum/standards every year but this is the main reason why I have put off doing college based courses because I'm not sure that what I would be taught will be any good when I go to use my 'new' skills on paying clients!

I'd rather pay more for a private course than waste money on courses that were prob being taught in 1976!! :eek::rolleyes::eek:
too set in their ways

Ha ha, was this an unintentional pun Kim?


LOL. I really must read before I post.

In fairness, I've said before that the tutors at the colleges are only doing their job and have guidelines to follow.

The good news is that I'm being approached more and more by Local Government colleges to train their students in my technique for Intimate Waxing. xxx
LOL. I really must read before I post.

In fairness, I've said before that the tutors at the colleges are only doing their job and have guidelines to follow.

The good news is that I'm being approached more and more by Local Government colleges to train their students in my technique for Intimate Waxing. xxx

Please, for the sake of us hairy women - DO IT KIM!!!! :lol::lol:
This is worrying, don't you think? I mean girls and guys are being taught things that are, for the best part, not in line with current industry advancement. I understand that they can't change the curriculum/standards every year but this is the main reason why I have put off doing college based courses because I'm not sure that what I would be taught will be any good when I go to use my 'new' skills on paying clients!

I'd rather pay more for a private course than waste money on courses that were prob being taught in 1976!! :eek::rolleyes::eek:

Teaching and standards were much,much better in 1976.
Remember, the basic techniques of most beauty treatments haven't actually changed much.The trouble started when they changed them too much, the new nvqs are not a patch on the old city and guilds, they have been completely dumbed down, anyone can do the courses and anyone can pass them, absolutely anyone. How else are there all these therapists that cannot actually wax at all coming out of college and out into the workplace and private trainers are having so much work to do.

Only hot wax was taught back in the 70s and a good quality old fashioned hot wax is actually excellent in the right hands.I dont think strip wax was even around till the very early 80s and it was awful stuff.
I think old fashioned hot wax improves with age and use (you could be using the same pot for months )and as it now cannot be recycled the consistency isn't as workable, of course we cant go back to recycling but there are still some therapists and customers still happily using and having old fashioned hot wax very effectively.
Teaching and standards were much,much better in 1976.
Remember, the basic techniques of most beauty treatments haven't actually changed much.The trouble started when they changed them too much, the new nvqs are not a patch on the old city and guilds, they have been completely dumbed down, anyone can do the courses and anyone can pass them, absolutely anyone. How else are there all these therapists that cannot actually wax at all coming out of college and out into the workplace and private trainers are having so much work to do.

Only hot wax was taught back in the 70s and a good quality old fashioned hot wax is actually excellent in the right hands.I dont think strip wax was even around till the very early 80s and it was awful stuff.
I think old fashioned hot wax improves with age and use (you could be using the same pot for months )and as it now cannot be recycled the consistency isn't as workable, of course we cant go back to recycling but there are still some therapists and customers still happily using and having old fashioned hot wax very effectively.


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