Hi geeks
I'm level 2 qualified, currently studying level 3.
I've read with great interest a lot on here about hot wax and how fantastic it is for intimate waxing.
Now last week at college I noticed a bag of hot wax pellets, I asked my tutor if we could have a try with it, she turned her nose up at this and I proceeded to tell her about all the wonderful things i've read about it. She was horrified at what I said, especially about intimate waxing using hot wax.she said hot wax isn't really used anymore too. Another, younger tutor came in at this point, she's only recently packed in her salon job to concentrate on tutoring, but she was also horrified.
Now i'm a little confuzzled. Are my tutors living in a bubble? Or is the love of hot wax something shared between only you guys on salon geek.
Sarah x
Posted via Mobile Device
I'm level 2 qualified, currently studying level 3.
I've read with great interest a lot on here about hot wax and how fantastic it is for intimate waxing.
Now last week at college I noticed a bag of hot wax pellets, I asked my tutor if we could have a try with it, she turned her nose up at this and I proceeded to tell her about all the wonderful things i've read about it. She was horrified at what I said, especially about intimate waxing using hot wax.she said hot wax isn't really used anymore too. Another, younger tutor came in at this point, she's only recently packed in her salon job to concentrate on tutoring, but she was also horrified.
Now i'm a little confuzzled. Are my tutors living in a bubble? Or is the love of hot wax something shared between only you guys on salon geek.
Sarah x
Posted via Mobile Device