'Buff and tell' - a disgrace


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The things people will do for money never ceases to amaze me

Heather is getting bad press from everywhere these days, poor thing

The thing is that some people are so shallow that this nail tech may now be busier than ever before, all because some saddo will want to hear all the gossip on Heather!

Maybe so Chantelle, but it'll will more than likely be one offs.

Anyone decent will avoid this girl like the plague.

I wonder if she realises she's shot herself in the foot?
Or, does she think she will be inundated with business? I'm guessing she's too stupid to realise, if she had a brain cell that was functioning, she would of kept her client confidentiality.
I can't see anyone wanting to give Buff and Tell the time of day. I don't think clients would want someone looking after their nails who can't hold their own water. Some people have no shame at all and will do anything for money.

I am certainly no fan of Heathers but I think Paul has been as big an idiot as Heather has been a gold digger. He is a man of the world and went into his marriage with Heather of his own free will. Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, it takes two to tango.
What a nasty mean thing to do so unprofessional! :eek: I am sure no one who knows about that article will ever use her services.
Don't you think its her that's given the "public slating"?

I am sure she will regret what she has done and I am sure it will bite her on the bottom and yes she has been very public but if the only thing this thread will be about is slating someone then I cant see anything constructive in it.

I was trying to turn it around into something more informative/positive.:)
As a Brighton/Hove tech I can honestly say I've never heard of her.

Heather Mills and Zoe Ball live less and half a mile from me so this BUFF nail tech should be somewhere on my radar as I try to keep an eye on the local competition and any new techs starting up in my area.

If either Heather or Zoe are looking for a tech, I'm free and I promise to keep anything I see to myself :lol:
I am sure she will regret what she has done and I am sure it will bite her on the bottom and yes she has been very public but if the only thing this thread will be about is slating someone then I cant see anything constructive in it.

I was trying to turn it around into something more informative/positive.:)

There is no particular reason why every thread has to be constructive is there? This is a discussion about a news story. There is nothing positive to say about the matter. There is no point in us discussing as you suggest "why we shouldn't buff and tell". It is obvious why not, we're supposed to be professionals!
I am sure she will regret what she has done and I am sure it will bite her on the bottom and yes she has been very public but if the only thing this thread will be about is slating someone then I cant see anything constructive in it.

I was trying to turn it around into something more informative/positive.:)

IN a way though for any new techs its showing that on the whole the industry takes client confidentiality and profesional ethics very, very seriously. For any members of the client public browsing through it will show that this particular tech is most definately not the norm.

Thats what it would say to me anyway :hug:
OH MY GOD!!!! :eek:

I don't think ************ will be very busy from now on!!!
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i read this too while on my break at tesco, apparrently she had given her her business card in a coffee shop and she became a regular.

I think this may affect her business - I wouldn't want her doing my nails - who wants a tech that airs YOUR dirty laundry in public??

Made me think twice about what clients tell me and how important client confidentiality is xx
I read it and thought...how boring.
I mean for goodness sake who cares what she's got to say?!
I hope she frames the article, it will give her something to look at whilst she's filling in job application forms...
Sorry but not read any of the replies yet so I apologise if I'm saying what's already been said.

I think it's a disgrace and although I don't wish it on her..........I expect she'll lose a lot more than Heather Mills custom. What a silly woman !
Well, she's not the sharpest tool in the box is she?
Even her business card shows that, sorry I have a quirky mind its fingers and toes or hands and feet not fingers and feet:rolleyes: daft I know but its that kind of thing that puts me of a business, right of the bat it tells me she's not a professional and thats before she opened her mouth:irked:
I've got today's MoS and couldn't believe what I was reading...... I hope she thinks it's all worth it 'cos her name-dropping days are over now. I particularly liked the bit when she said Heather made her late for other clients but when she told them who had made her late they didn't mind..... She said 'name-dropping pays!'.....NOT!

I hope it does serve a reminder to us all that clients tell us things, and for us mobiles we go into our clients houses - their space. Clients deserve respect from us.
There is no particular reason why every thread has to be constructive is there? This is a discussion about a news story. There is nothing positive to say about the matter. There is no point in us discussing as you suggest "why we shouldn't buff and tell". It is obvious why not, we're supposed to be professionals!
Yes, there is a reason why we should all be constructive and it's there on the Geek Commandments for every member to see, you can't miss it as it's number 1! :wink2:


Geek Commandments said:
1 - Thou shalt post constructively.

Make your posts have a positive point. Posting just to complain without an effort to turn something positive or posting just to say 'is that so?' is a waste of reading space.
The things people will do for money never ceases to amaze me

Heather is getting bad press from everywhere these days, poor thing

The thing is that some people are so shallow that this nail tech may now be busier than ever before, all because some saddo will want to hear all the gossip on Heather!

Very true, but how many of her other 'celebrity' clients will bother going back to her now?
She might gain a few 'short term' gossip seeking clients for a while but I doubt that any celebrity will ever trust her again.
not very professional at all.

all i can say is good job she's not a brazillian waxer too........:rolleyes:
I am not a HMM fan, but that is LOW! Hope she sleeps well!! :eek:
Not only has she name dropped with heather but they are a few other famous peeps mentioned in that article, looks like she is going to be losing quite a few good clients that could have helped her to go far,

You never hear me bragging about doing the queens nails every fortnight :wink2:
Well she has firmly nailed the Nail Technician to the stars coffin shut.
She may as well have a bell around her neck shouting unclean, unclean....
she will be avoided like the plague. Oh yes she may benefit from it for a little while, but long term and ever working with anyone else famous ??? Not on your nelly xxxx I hope she never had aspirations for bigger things, as this was as big as she will ever become. Todays gossip, tomorrows chip paper, but her reputation as a loose cannon will now stick forever.

Client confidentiallity is so important, not just for the rich and famous. You just dont talk about your clients. FULL STOP !!!
Dear me, let me know what it is you can think of that would be constructive in this particular case - the woman has been totally unprofessional, should I discuss the positive? What could that be? "I've learnt something today, always keep client confidentiality"? No, I and most others already knew that. So tell me what is positive/constructive that you can add?

I still say that is exactly what is possitive that can be taken from this topic, if a prospective trainee or fresh out of college/classes tech aims or wants to go far thats a lesson to heed. Most do know it but clearly from this womans actions not all do. Its just that most dont make it into the press.
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