Mostly its just subtle things like who holds the remote who always has the same seat that no one else sits in or moves when they come in.
Its funny how animalistic we can be just through this type of thing. If my husbands in he has to have the remote if my son is and my husband puts it it down he immediately grabs it.
Without intention I always serve my husbands dinner first,then my sons then my daughters.
I do consider myself an equal in the house to my husband but thinking of it there are definately lots of little things that say he is alpha male and my sons at the age where he is definately vying for a more dominant roll.
Its funny how animalistic we can be just through this type of thing. If my husbands in he has to have the remote if my son is and my husband puts it it down he immediately grabs it.
Without intention I always serve my husbands dinner first,then my sons then my daughters.
I do consider myself an equal in the house to my husband but thinking of it there are definately lots of little things that say he is alpha male and my sons at the age where he is definately vying for a more dominant roll.